inRESPONSE researchers Elisabeth Johansson-Nogués and Francesca Leso featured in the Journal of Common Market Studies’ Scholar Spotlight Series – February 2024

inRESPONSE principal investigator Elisabeth Johansson-Nogués and researcher Francesca Leso have been featured in the Journal of Common Market Studies (JCMS) Scholar Spotlight Series with their article titled “Geopolitical EU? The EU’s Wartime Assistance to Ukraine”.  

Their research examines whether recent claims by high-ranking EU officials about the “birth of the geopolitical EU” are substantiated by the actual wartime assistance provided to Ukraine. While the EU’s perception of Eastern Europe has shifted, the article argues that there is limited evidence to suggest that the EU is willing or able to assume an hegemonic role in the reordering of the region.

The full open-access article can be found here.

Picture. Source: JCMS

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